
Pet Emergency Care

Serious illnesses or injuries that require hospitalization at a critical care facility are stabilized and transferred to Upstate Veterinary Specialists (day) or one of the area(s) animal emergency clinics (evening).

Pet Emergency Care Banner Image

Pet Emergency Care Laurens, SC

If possible, please call ahead  (864) 984-2365 to let us know you are on your way and allow us to prepare to stabilize your pet.

Pet Emergency Care

We can handle most emergencies here, but some patients must be stabilized and transferred to a specialist hospital and 24-hour care facility.

If you have an emergency outside of our regular business hours, we recommend that you contact one of the following emergency facilities:

Pet Preventative and Wellness Care Image

Upstate Vet Emergency & Specialty Care

After hours emergency care is only available at our Greenville location.

Monday – Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:00 am
Friday 6:00 pm – Monday 8:00 am

393 Woods Lake Road,
Greenville, SC 29607


11 W Point Blvd
Mauldin, SC 29662
(864) 626-6125


Fetch Specialty & Emergency Veterinary Centers

5 Market Point Drive,
Greenville, SC 29607.